Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mejor Tarde Que Nunca!

I know – I know – I haven’t written a word in forever!  Like a month.  Somehow I haven’t been motivated – started and stopped several times, had things all planned out in my head – but didn’t do a damned thing. 

A month ago I went up to Larry and Sheila’s in Island Park to meet Sharon!  Such fun!  I’ve attached a couple of pictures.  I’ve figured out how she keeps her girlish figure, she doesn’t eat a thing!  Sheila and I munched away on our Triscuits and sharp cheddar, and cream cheese with jalapeno jelly – but all Sharon ate were a few huckleberries we went hunting for.  Oh well, so it goes…..it was great meeting her – I have to say she is one person who looks EXACTLY like her pictures in person!  Everything, not just her distinctive hair! 

There was a wedding here at the park, well, the wedding was down the road, we just had the reception.  Oh my oh my!  They were wonderful and gracious, I even went to the rehearsal dinner (see above – I am NOT a woman to turn down a rib eye steak!). I’ve had all of these LDS family reunion groups – no drinking there!  This crowd brings in a bar – a real, honest to God, bar.  And boy, did it get used!  Um, a little too much by the groom – no first dance or cake cutting for them!  He passed out and spent the evening being monitored by a river guide wilderness first responder.  However – that did mean the bride and groom got to sleep in the camper that night, instead of in the tent on the bed of pinecones!  We had cake the next day. It was quite the adventure!  I was trying to get the food back into the bear proof cargo trailer at 11:30 while bridesmaids were running up saying, we never ate!  Um, the food has been out for 5 hours girls!  They too had been very busy at the bar.  We pulled out one serving dish of each food group and said there you go.  Eat.  At that point I went to bed. I guess the DJ stopped around 2AM – I was long gone as I was also getting a doozy of a cold. Breakfast the next day was fabulous, the bride’s brother and his wife are also river guides and they did a typical river trip breakfast.  And then there was wedding cake – and you can’t forget the bloody Mary’s – the pitchers EACH had a fifth of vodka in them.  Nothing like hair of the dog! 

SOOOOOO – I still have the cough from that cold, but I’m slowly getting better.  I guess age is kicking in with the healing process!  Campers have totally thinned out – I have two single sites booked for Labor Day and I’m down to one group coming in.  The second group backed out.  I wonder why?  We’ve had mornings below freezing, tomorrow they are forecasting big thunderstorms with a high wind and high fire danger warning.  The little weather prognosticator on my phone says snow on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Are we having fun yet?

Next weekend I’m taking a memoir writing workshop through the library.  I’ll be going over to Jackson three days in a row for it, but I’m looking forward to it.  I’ve realized this summer that I’m limited in what I can do, even keyboarding more than an hour leads to very stiff hands.  However, at an hour a crack, I would like to try to write a book.  Y’all are sort of practice!

I leave the Tetons on the 16th, only a little over two more weeks!  It’s so stunning here that I’m it will be tough saying goodbye.  However, I need to see more people than I have the last few weeks.  And not just all at once like the wedding!  The dogs and I just sort of hang out – and I’ve realized it is almost depressing to me.  My back hurts enough that many mornings I just don’t want to get out of bed, which is fairly comfy for me.  However – 12 hours in bed a day is also not the best life.

I’ll be meeting up with Mark on the 28th and heading to Quartzsite on the 29th.  It will be good to be with him.  He’s hoping to work at the produce store.  Before we leave I have my disability hearing.  I just have to think positively about that!  I have a back up plan, but it involves food stamps, which is quite humbling.  Not being able to support myself is new and different and not a lot of fun.  But, I’ll do the best I can!

Before going to Q I am going over to Portland to see Eli and Jeff who are, ta da, officially engaged!  Eli and I are going to look at wedding gowns.  Of course it’s going to be two years before they put the whole thing together, but so much fun!  I’m really excited about that. 

I’m attaching random pictures here, without descriptions!  I’m getting lazy.  They are all taken right around the campground I’m in, oh, with exception of the one of Sheila, Sharon and I – that one is first and pretty self explanatory.  Heck, I’ll even include a couple of the wedding!  :)  I imagine the next time I’ll get here I’ll be back in Bend, or possibly even Quartzsite. I’ll let you know how it all shakes out!


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Tetons and Wedding 078

late August 001

late August 005

late August 006

late August 007

late August 012

I’m back again….