Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day One

Well, this isn't really day one, but it's day one of the blog! I've been in my 'condo' for a little over a year now. I've roamed the Oregon coast, spent three months in Escondido living with friends in their house, spent several weeks in Vacaville visiting old family and friends in the SF area, spent 10 weeks in Quartzsite boondocking with valet service thanks to Larry and Sheila, and another 10 weeks in Crooked River Ranch with friend Dale.

I've had new tires, a new radiator, a new battery (truck), a new starter, hmmmmm - I don't even really want to look at that particular list! I've had solar panels installed. I have truck envy as I'd like to upgrade my '96 Dodge Cummins extended cab, long bed. I am currently coveting a 2008 Chevy Duramax X cab, long bed, but I suspect it will be a while.

I absolutely LOVE my 2000 Alpenlite. There really isn't anything I don't like about it! It is so clean and simple inside and incredibly light and bright with all of it's big windows! I took the aqua carpet, which I HATED, and just ran with it. I made a little mid-century haven (OK - a loose interpretation) but that's the feel. I brought one item from everyone special in my life to have with me. As I look around I just smile. I've enjoyed staying with friends, but I enjoy myself most when I'm in my 'condo'!

I'm on my way to the Tetons for my first Work Kamp job - a trail head host position at a NFS park in the Tetons. I need brakes on one of my trailer wheels, which should be fixed in a couple of days. Then I'll head East - 639 miles. Emma, my youngest, who just graduated from Macalester College in St Paul and has a teaching fellowship in Boston starting in August, will be flying into Jackson Hole to spend a month with me! She says she's going to whip my butt into shape. That is one of the unfortunate side effects of my new life - I'm not terribly active, and when all else fails, eat. I'm looking forward to this next adventure.

I'll keep this updated as I enter the world of cleaning toilets and directing traffic. At least that appears to be the job description! I found that I can earn up to $700 a month with my disability pending - that seems very odd to me - but whatever! This job pays minimally, but gives me a free place to stay and I'm excited. I'll also keep you posted on how Emma and I do in 300 sf!

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