Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Getting Settled

I’m getting settled in here at Teton Canyon Campground. The sun has finally come out today, although it is clouding up now. I’m attaching more pictures, but I know they could use some cleaning up. I’m going to download Picasa in the parking lot today! That seems to be my lot in life – no internet in the canyon. I think that Jim and Charlene, co-hosts, will get their Starband set up and give me the password, but I’ll still have to walk down close to their rig to get the signal. Amazingly, my phone is allowing data transmissions! It doesn’t like to send my responses though, so they might be pretty brief sometimes! Also – bear in mind I’m keyboarding on a phone, and for that I’m a one fingered wonder.

I cleaned my first bathroom yesterday, but it really wasn’t dirty as we haven’t had much ‘company’. I think on weekends I’ll do them in the afternoon and at night, and during the week, just in the evening. I can take the dogs for their last walk and do the bathrooms at the same time. I’m also picking up some trash – it’s little stuff like the plastic spoon from someone’s lunch, although I am trying to get a Bud can out of the creek. I tried to tiptoe in to get it yesterday but only netted a sopping wet hiking boot. And no, they aren’t waterproof! LOL I have my Chacos on today and am going to try again.

The people I’m working with are delightful, and that’s always a help! A couple in their 70’s, Marion and Vaneta, stood in the rain for probably an hour that first afternoon helping me get my rig positioned. Marion understood that for a 3 month stint I didn’t want to look at the well house, so we worked hard to position the rig so it’s not all I see. Lots of people would have been annoyed as hell with me about that, but it was actually his idea!

The other couple, Jim and Charlene, are in the campground I’m associated with. They were here last year as well. Everyone is happy I’m here as this was an unfilled position the last couple of years. The site wasn’t conducive to a big rig but the Forest Service reworked it apparently and now it’s more accommodating. At any rate – they too have been wonderful! Charlene brought me a present this morning – a toilet brush! Woo hoo! Still getting my supplies squared away and I need a set of keys, but that should happen today.

I have had a roof vent leak, which is always fun when it’s raining over an inch a day – but Marion went to a trailer supply place in Idaho Falls for me yesterday, as he was taking water samples there for testing, and bought me some of the appropriate sealant. Jim is going to crawl up and seal it. They are definitely making sure I’m absolutely OK.

I’m practicing writing this in Word, and then when I go down to town I’ll get online, and move it over to the blog. Let’s see how it works. It’s just a change of how I do things. I got a library card on Saturday; they had the new Jodi Picoult book I wanted, and I borrowed 3 movies – watched them all in the rain so will return them and get three more today! It’s a brand new little library in Alta, WY, which is right below us. They don’t have a post office, but they now have a branch library; their home library is Jackson, WY. It’s funny they have to use an address in Driggs, ID when they live in WY, but somebody thought that was a good plan for the state line! I’d have drawn them along the ridge of the mountain personally! But, no one asked me. LOL

Emma arrives tomorrow – I pick her up in Jackson at 1:45. I suspect I might have to get her some shoes to wear up here. I think she is pretty much a city girl now, and this is definitely the country! I have scouted two good looking young men and their golden retriever, Scout, who said they would be back! I think she’ll like the grocery store in Driggs, it is brand new, has a pizza place and a sushi bar run by real Japanese! I guess Driggs is getting some of the overflow from Jackson, WY – it is similar in feel, but a lot less expensive. The grocery store is lovely though, for those of you who know Bend, it’s like a giant Newport Market!

Well, that’s more than enough for today I imagine. So far, so good! No ‘shit bombs’ in the bathroom, the dogs are doing fine, we’re drying out , and getting into the swing of things!

Enjoy your day!

Looking down the canyon from the trailer - Westclip_image002

Up towards Table Mountain behind me – to the East


To the South


  • To the North


1 comment:

  1. looking good Kerry!! I'm with you about the border...ask for a grabber it really helps when picking up the litter!!! would you believe we had some one toss a garbage can into the haha "can". what fun that was to get out and the grabber helped! might see you in a few will see when we leave Jackson want to stop and see the girls and kids
